Evidence, research and dialogue with experts
SolidarMed is a learning organisation that documents and reviews the impact of its projects on an ongoing basis. Scientific studies, implementation research and academic partnerships play a key part in this learning process. The aim is to gain insights into how the available funds can be used most efficiently and effectively. SolidarMed always discusses its research findings with local authorities, health institutions and international experts. It therefore influences Swiss and international standards and contributes to better healthcare well beyond the project regions.

Implementation research is key to delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Jochen Ehmer, Head of medicine and public health
In collaboration with universities and other research facilities, SolidarMed conducts targeted scientific studies or acts as implementation partner. The evidence gained helps health authorities and international organisations identify new solutions and develop evidence-based policies.
Research and development partnerships
SolidarMed works closely with partner organizations in Switzerland and on site in the project countries.
Projects with a focus on research
Get to know some of our projects with a focus on innovation and research.
SolidarMed’s contributions to research
SolidarMed summarises the findings of its implementation research in scientific articles and takes part in conferences and congresses to present and discuss the findings. Here, we showcase a selection of these contributions:
Entdecken Sie alle wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von SolidarMed auf PubMed: Mehr erfahren.